Saturday, January 25, 2014

InstaJan + Playlist


(Most of my Instagram photos are food actually. lol)

(Awkward pictures of me and my friends.)

(Me trying to be artsy lol)

As January is coming to an end, I'm doing a throwback and playlist post because I want to be more personal here. :) I had been battling with exams this month and these were the songs that I listened while studying. I think they are good when you just want some music playing when you are working and the last few songs are quite uplifting too! Hope you all enjoy this post and don't forget to follow me on Instagram so you can have a peek into my (dull) life. haha .  xx

Stalk me on


  1. Loved this post! Your music selection is awesome,plus I love the cute little photos<3

    1. thanks no one ever tells me I have good music taste haha xx

  2. your Instagram is so cool, lovely pics! I post a lot of food-photos too, haha:)
    Emma xx

  3. such amazing photos! x


Thanks for leaving me comments. :) Have a nice day!